Come Fly With Me (The Club #21) Page 6
The feeling of letting go to this man who was willing to fix whatever she knew was broken in her, overwhelmed her that she allowed the tears to flow. It was as though she washed herself of the past she no longer needed to cling to. Nick continued to hold her, soothing her until her sobs subsided. She trembled but it wasn’t from fear. It came from the exhaustion of having hidden for so long, of having ached for something she thought she could never have.
She had no voice. If she spoke she might just cry again so she nodded.
How could she refuse?
* * *
He led her into the near pitch black of the room. There was a single light on by the door as they made their way in. In the center of the room was a bed on a raised dais, but only two steps up.
Draped in black, Nick led her to the nexus of the dark, and helped her lay down, her back side up. Veronica chose to turn her head to the heavy black drapes that covered the window, her heart thudding hard in her chest. She didn't want to know how many people were in the room, but she had to start trusting Nick.
“Ladies and gentlemen, thank you for your warm welcome. I know a lot of people have engaged in cool temperature play. This is a demonstration of fire play. Let me explain the precautions so you don't try this at home.”
A light chuckle went through the room.
“My gorgeous little sub for the evening is Veronica, and she will be my subject. She is lying face down on a black, fireproof cloth that was designed for this purpose. It falls all the way to the floor, and out. The drapes immediately behind me are also fireproof. There are two fire extinguishers on either side, and a fire blanket. I have a bucket of water at the ready, and my flame source will be contained and covered.
Nick moved and Veronica felt the air swirl gently and caress her skin causing goosebumps to rise.
“As you can see, my subject is trembling at these precautions. But, as a reassurance to her, and to all of you: I have never had to use any of these. I wish for my subs to feel safe, and that is what it takes.
“I will be using a medical grade alcohol, of ninety percent isopropyl. This will give a fast, cool flame, and will serve the temperature play well. I will be using just a few pieces of flash cotton, which is controversial because it can cause damage if not perfectly controlled. This will be a full demonstration of fire play, up to and including climax.
“If someone would be so kind as to turn down the light, I will begin.”
The soft yellow flame came to life slowly, sitting inside a protective glass case. It was nothing more than a large wick candle, but it threw off the palest warm light in the dark room.
Veronica could see the glimmer of eyes watching them, her naked form arranged on the bed. Nick stood near the flame, his shirt removed, and his handsome naked chest illuminated by that same pale light.
He raised two batons, that looked nothing like nothing more than giant cotton swabs. Both had been sitting in a glass jar filled with the alcohol. With both batons in one hand, Nick waved one inside the candle’s glass, and it jumped to life with the cool, blue flame of a cold burn.
He walked out of her field of view, and she felt the warmth of his hand over her skin, followed by the cool of the alcohol. He traced a wide line down her spine, then tapped her skin.
The most amazing sensation of hot chasing cold ran down her skin, flickering and stuttering, warming her as it burned away the cold. Nick's hand quickly followed, caressing the flame to extinguish it.
Veronica closed her eyes, her body relaxing, easing into Nick’s touch.
Nick drew a figure 8, the hot chased the cold again, burning into existence and being caressed out. He worked over her back for a few minutes, and then started to include the globes of her ass. Painting and destroying stripes of cold and heat, teasing her skin, raising sensitivity and awareness of each movement over her.
“Ready for more?”
Nick’s words startled her, but only just, and she nodded. He put a hand on her shoulder, and helped her roll over. There was a bed wedge under her head lifting just enough for her to be comfortable. Standing by her feet a moment later, Nick swiped the cold baton over the top of her feet, then tapped the flames on them. The cold to hot sensation was forgotten as she watched the fire grow and disappear a moment later, followed by the tender caress of his hand.
Seeing what he did, not just feeling it, brought her to whole new level of awareness. She could trace the fire as it raced up her leg, consuming the fuel Nick had laid there. Up her thighs, the warm danced close to her sex, but skipped away, a tease. The flames danced around her navel to meet as one again on her stomach. They were two pools of cold head as he encircled her breasts with the flames.
And then, he trailed the cool cotton over her nipple, bringing the baton with the fire closer and closer, until the vapor caught, and her breasts were consumed. The blue of the fire danced there, exciting her nipple, peaking it, making it tingle. And just as she was about cry out that it was too much, Nick slid his hand up the swell of flesh, chasing his fire, carefully snuffing it as he pinched and massaged her pearled peak.
The onslaught of sensation was overwhelming. His hand was so careful as he teased her breast. It was almost as if he as was trying to coax the burning desire inside to surface of her now heated flesh.
The baton came down with percussion on her nipple after a swipe of cool fuel over her. The flames leapt up, a flash of the lust she felt visible above her skin.
Each tap, tap, tap of the batons on her breasts made her ache to be touched. Slowly, she realized that he was moving the flames lower, but before he went--
A cold metallic freeze shot through her, and a sharp pinch followed. As Nick drew his hand away, Veronica realized he had placed a nipple clip there, as if pinning her need to that spot.
Her other breast was treated to the same low pinch of pain as his hands and fire traveled back down her body. She heaved breath into and out of her chest, her breasts moving and send little trails of sensual pain through her.
God, if this was what he wanted to do to her, she'd kneel as his feet forever.
Nick, though, wasn't done with her. The baton without the fire was dropped back in the container and another was pulled out. Fresh and heavy with fuel.
Two small pieces of crumpled paper appeared on her hips, dropped there by his stealthy fingers.
The sharp ‘pop!’ of the flash cotton going up caused her to buck. When he touched fire to the other, she still jumped but not as much. It left in its wake two sharp little stings on her hips--and she was startled by the hope that he’d do that on her nipples, too.
His new baton was filled with the fuel he needed and after the flash cotton, he trailed it over her mound. Her body heated with every sensual caress he gave that it was impossible to tell if the flame was the fire--or her.
Nick painted over her skin again and again, the tops of her thighs, the peaks of her hips. He teased her sex, flashing hot and cold through her. The flames kissed the top of her mound, and rushed over the lips that hid her innermost self from him.
Entranced, she heard his question on a soft breath across her ear though she could swear he stood by her hip still.
“Do you trust me?”
“Yes…” Her answer was fleeting, soft, but unhesitant.
“Relax, let me move your body.”
Loosening her muscles, Nick moved her legs wide, dropping her foot over the edge so her leg dangled free at the knee. He did the same with her other leg, and her sex was bared wide for anyone--everyone in the room--to see.
Veronica wasn’t even sure she cared. What Nick was doing to her was making her wet. It was all pleasure from the moment he started. She was in a comfortable, pleasant space and wanted more of Nick’s hands and batons. And all of his fire.
This time, he extinguished the baton and placed it in the jar, not pulling another one out. He reached further and she found he was wearing a glove. Passing the gl
ove through the fire, it ignited the blue flame and consumed the material--but didn’t burn.
Vaguely, Veronica heard whispers from those watching, but didn’t pay attention to it, too enrapt as Nick passed the fuel baton over her skin, leaving a trail down from her navel to the very lips of her sex, and followed with the glove. The heat of his hand sat on her stomach as the cool flame rushed down and tickled her.
The baton traced a trail on either side of her wet entrance and this time, his hand followed the flames down, the effect amazing, sending a confusing hot cold sensation through her.
Why was this so erotic? What what it about the fire that made her burn for more? For Nick?
As though sensing her thoughts, Nick traced the baton over her skin again, and this time, trailed directly over her clitoris. The glove followed, and the heat lit her already awakened nerves there. Moving quickly, Nick traced designs and traced them with his glove.
Cool. Heat. Warm. The touch of the rough knitting of the glove on her bundled nerves was unexpected but not unwelcome. Veronica’s body shivered, and then waited for him to come around again. And he did. She was drawn in rapt attention as he chased the fire around her sex, between her wide legs, over her thighs, her hips-- the baton never touched her clit, but Nick’s gloved finger drew over her every time he passed near enough.
She was caught in a fog of desire--floating, feeling each trail as it went from cool to hot to warm. Her eyes were drawn to his fingers as he traced them over her. She couldn't stop the soft, sexual sighs as he paid homage to her clit, her mound, her passage that was now begging to be filled.
Nick extinguished the glove and pulled a baton out of the jar, lighting it. He danced the fire back up from her navel to her breasts, and started a rhythmic tattoo of fire and ice on her still peaked nipples--but never withdrew his hand from her hooded clit.
The opposing sensations made her realize how close she was to coming. His finger enjoyed its task in her pussy, flickering and stuttering her now slick, bundled set of nerves, and his able hand kept the gentle tempo on her nipples, igniting her and again and again.
“Sir…” The soft gasp of his name was all she could manage while desperately holding back the dam of orgasm.
“Come, Veronica.”
She screamed and arched her back as Nick pressed two fingers inside her. He pulled the clips off her breasts at the same time. The climax consumed her, seeming almost to catch her skin on fire as the well of her desire burst forth.
“Oh God!” The cry of pleasure wrenched out of her lips as her climax consumed her.
This was it. This was the pleasure she knew she could experience but never did. This was the bliss that she was only allowed to see but never taste. Now that she did, the orgasm was shattering. She had never been caught so unaware of her own lust and release.
Veronica floated down, as light as a feather. Sated, replete.
The light from the baton went out, leaving only the candle as Nick wrapped the robe around her. “Ladies and gentlemen, that concludes this session. As with all play sessions, after care is a must.”
He lifted her into his arms and held her close to his chest as he swept them out of the room.
Veronica could die that moment and regret nothing in her life.
The sweet little thing in his arms trembled, shook, but let out the softest, most satisfied of sighs. Nick knew there was never going to be another woman who could hold a candle to the beauty in his arms. His Dom wanted nothing more than to make sure all she ever experienced were pleased sighs and happy moments. He wanted to keep her from the harsh world. He wanted to draw out her pleasure, and seek his own with her.
Adam had quickly opened the door the to Magnifique and the room they had been in earlier. With a nod and half smile, he'd closed and locked them in the room.
Placing Veronica on the bed, Nick opened the bag he'd brought and withdrew his aftercare supplies. After arranging the pillows to prop up his little sub, he slipped his arm under her neck and helped her sit up, holding a bottle of water to her lips.
“Drink, pet. You're exhausted.”
“What a wonderful exhaustion,” she murmured. He couldn't help smiling at that, and was pleased when she took a big draught off the bottle.
She was going for a second swig when he pulled it away. “Wait. Sugar first.” He held up the piece of milk chocolate, and watched as her tired lips wrapped around it. Little happy noises issued forth, and the Dom in him was pleased.
Fingers wrapped around his wrist, holding him there, her eyes clearing from her haze. she raised her head slightly from the pillow. “But you didn't…”
“It's not always about sex, sweetness.”
“I want you to, Sir.” She lay her head back with a sigh. Her eyes were soft, and still full of lust. It focused, as much as she could, on him. “Please, Sir. Please fuck me.”
Nick chuckled, sitting down on the bed with her. “Already trying to top from the bottom, sweetness.”
Exactly the wrong thing to say. He watched Veronica visibly shrink back from him, afraid of retaliation for what she had always been taught was wrong. Quickly, Nick leaned in and kissed her softly.
“No, no, Veronica. I enjoy a little disobedience from my subs. If you never broke the submissive role, I would not be so completely infatuated with you. You are Veronica--you were Sherri. Don’t ever fear me.”
“Then fuck me, please.” Her words were quiet, and determined.
And there was something about that, something about a defiant sub, that got him hard instantly. He had planned to let her sleep, and then show her how much he wanted her. But her plea, so sweet, so utterly sexual, so very far from innocent changed his mind.
Pressing her back on the bed, he moved himself over her. “You’ll listen to me.”
“Yes sir.”
“Good girl.” He slowly dragged the robe from her body and discarded it off the side of the bed. Veronica’s skin was the most wonderful shade of pink from the fire. Being able to touch every part of her, to run the flame over her skin, was another thing he had feared he would never have a chance to experience. She was warm, soft, pliant.
His mouth lowered to her breast and he drew her nipple into his mouth, suckling and delighting in her taste. There was a faint taste of alcohol on her skin which made his cock even harder.
Nick had been painfully erect since she had open her legs for him on the bed. Veronica in subspace was something he was never going to get tired of and his dick was more than happy about that.
He wanted to be in her. He couldn't deny himself any longer--and it was cruel to deny her either. Sliding a hand between her legs, he found her clit and stroked it lightly. His sweet sub’s lips parted with the sexiest of sighs. Her body shook and trembled as he paid attention to the bundled nerves.
She was wet, and welcoming. Her eyes were half lidded but Nick could see and feel the lust burning in them. She hadn't fully settled from the orgasm in the other room, and her tight pussy moved in waves with his hand, waiting for his cock. He ran his hands up her body, and tenderly grasped her breasts. He pinched her nipples, knowing they were still heightened from the clips and the fire, coaxing a sound between a gasp and a groan out of her.
“Open for me, sweetness, I am not going to torture either of us anymore.”
There was no hesitation, Veronica slid her legs wide to welcome him. She was a dream, lying on the bed, willing and waiting for his cock. He moved himself into the cradle of her legs, rubbing the hard tip of his erection up and down, through her wetness, then resting at her entrance.
“Yes…please, Sir.” Her words were nothing more than a breath, her pants short and fast.
Ever so slowly, he pushed his cock into her entrance claiming her with painful deliberation. He closed his eyes as her snugness surrounded his cock until he sat himself to the hilt, keeping himself taut above her. The pleasure that shot up his spine was something he hadn’t experienced before, and for a Dom, this wa
s something he longed to further explore.
“Ah, fuck, pet. This pussy belongs to me.” He gritted. His balls were tightening and he had to curb his lust or it would be over before they began. The movement of his cock in her pussy was everything he dreamed it would be. He looked down watching his cock going in and out of her slick hole. He bent down licking and loving each slow wave of her breasts. All the time he had spent thinking of her, of her tender skin, her beautiful eyes, the curve of her hips, the swell of her breasts, the soft tone of her voice--it was all worth it as she pampered his cock inside her.
She stared him, her focus soft, full of desire, of submission, she was still partially in subspace and she looked gorgeous there.
“Sir, yes.” She gasped holding his biceps tightly. “You feel so good.”
“Mine.” He grunted the word and started moving with purpose, thrusting harder. “You’re mine.”
“Yes, Sir.” Her eyes were wider, and her breath was starting to become choppy, her movements wild. Any other time, he would have scolded her for lack of control, but at that moment, he was too taken with her, they needed this too much.
She caught his eyes again, and in a beautiful defiant moment, spoke the words he longed to hear. “Come inside me, Nick. Make me yours.”
The rebellious move tripped through him, and his thrusts became faster causing Veronica to whimper. With just a few more hard thrusts Nick shouted, his cock twitching and spilling his climax deep within her walls. His hot seed triggered her release, and she screamed his name as her walls clamped around him, pulling him deep, and joining them together in a blinding climax.
* * *